Our Top Bird Feeding Tips For Winter!

Winter can be a tough time of year for birds. But there are some ways you can give them a helping hand and keep them safe and healthy over the colder months. Here are some of our top feeding tips!

Know your birds
Different species of birds will eat different things. Sparrows and finches love their seeds. Tits like fat (e.g. suet). Thrushes and robins like fruit and worms. Starlings will eat just about anything! Make sure you're providing the right menu for your feathered guests - find out what to feed birds.

Look out for leftovers
Some of our own food can be good for birds – for example, fruit cake or mince pies, dried fruit, unsalted nuts, or apples and pears past their best. Birds love dried fruit! But choose the right stuff... Birds probably won't want to eat your unwanted brussel sprouts, and putting out turkey fat is a big no-no! It is so soft it sticks to birds' feathers and stops them from keeping waterproof and warm.


Keep water in your bird baths and ponds unfrozen
Birds need to drink and bathe every day - even when it's really cold outside. A pond or bird bath is great, but even an upturned bin lid or plant saucer can give birds the water they need.


Keep it clean!
Dirty bird feeders and bird tables can help spread diseases. Make sure you clean them regularly to keep your visitors healthy and happy. And always wash your hands after feeding the birds!


It’s all about location!
Keep you table or feeder somewhere:

Quiet - where birds won't be disturbed.

Safe and open -  to stop cat-ambushes and allow for a quick getaway

Sheltered - from harsh cold winds, rain or snow.


Most importantly - Enjoy! 
You've got a thriving feeding station and garden full of hungry visitors. It's time to take a moment to watch and enjoy the birds the happy birds feasting on the food you've provided!
By following our tips, and feeding the birds in your garden, you'll be helping them get through what can be a tough time of year.