Bird Feeder - How to stop Jackdaws, Magpies Crows, Rooks & Pigeons Stealing Bird Seed From Bird Feeders.

We get a lot of people asking us 'How do I stop Jackdaws, Magpies Crows, Rooks & Pigeons Stealing Bird Seed From my Bird Feeder'

Our answer is simple - The PestOff Bird Feeder.

Not only is the Roamwild PestOff Bird Feeder 100% squirrel proof but is also 100% large bird proof.

See what our customers think:

All reviews are correct , within 40 mins of hanging the bird feeder up in the garden all our usual birds were back , the squirrel came , I kept looking to see what he would do . Nothing , the squirrel just couldn’t get in at all , utterly amazing , I’m sure he’ll keep on trying . I’m so so happy with this perchase , if your looking for a bird feeder even if squirrels aren’t a pest it’s an excellent product , very robust , good to look at blends into the garden . I’m sure I’m going to enjoy looking at the squirrels hopeless attempt at trying to get into this feeder . Squirrel your beaten .

Crow proof bird feederJackdaw proof bird feederMagpie proof bird feederPigeon proof bird feederRook proof bird feeder