Don't throw away your cards this year, plant them into flowers instead. Your friends and family will love them. No message in the card. Give to that special someone, then they plant it and it grows into wild flowers!
Our seed paper is made using traditional methods, using only recycled paper and air dried to ensure germination. All our cards are supplied with recycled kraft envelopes and printed with 100% soy ink.
Plant it under a thin layer of soil and water thoroughly. Keep moist until seedlings are well established. See video for details and directions.
Please note that due to the seeds creating an uneven surface the graphics may have slight flaws as each card is unique. Your card is an entirely handmade piece that will be appreciated by the recipient for its deeper meaning.
Text on the back of each card explains the planting process. Cards are blank inside. Finished folded size: A6 (105x148mm)
Payment & Security
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.