Is the Pest-Off Feeder starling proof?

Today we received this question, Is the Pest-Off bird feeder by Roamwild Starling proof?

Each seed port is designed to fully deflect when a weight between 65g & 75g lands on the perch.  According to British songbird data taken from a reputable source, starlings have the following description:

The common starling is 19–23 cm (7.5–9.1 in) long, with a wingspan of 31–44 cm (12–17 in) and a weight of 58–101 g (2.0–3.6 oz).

From testing we can say that to date not one starling has been witness feeding from the feeder.  As the weight tolerance of a starling is spread across the activation weight of the closing hatch we cannot 100% say the feeder is starling proof, but testing has shown that it likely is.

Today we received this question, Is the Pest-Off bird feeder by Roamwild Starling proof?

Each seed port is designed to fully deflect when a weight between 65g & 75g lands on the perch.  According to British songbird data taken from a reputable source, starlings have the following description:

The common starling is 19–23 cm (7.5–9.1 in) long, with a wingspan of 31–44 cm (12–17 in) and a weight of 58–101 g (2.0–3.6 oz).

From testing we can say that to date not one starling has been witness feeding from the feeder.  As the weight tolerance of a starling is spread across the activation weight of the closing hatch we cannot 100% say the feeder is starling proof, but testing has shown that it likely is.

I hope this helps.

Pest off bird feeder